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Ecophysiology • Developmental Biology • Community Outreach • Equitable Pedagogy

Pictured with beloved research assistant, Tom Bombadil (2017-2023).


I've been enthralled by the natural world since I was a chid. Despite – or perhaps, in spite of – growing up in downtown Toronto without a childhood pet, I developed a fondness for animals and an appreciation for the diversity of life on this planet.


I completed my PhD in the lab of Dr. Jeffrey Hutchings (later supervised by Dr. Anne Dalziel and Dr. Aaron MacNeil) looking at the plastic effects of thermal variability zebrafish (Danio rerio).


I completed my M. Sc. in the lab of Dr. Njal Rollinson investigating temperature-dependent sex determination in a Northern population of snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina).


I'm now a member of Dr. Nick Mandrak's lab at UTSC as a Liber Ero Fellow. Here, I'm working on the ecophysiology and human dimensions of invasive goldfish.



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